Declined Hehe Troll's Admin Application #5.5 (1 Viewer)

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hehe troll

Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2017
"hehe silly (she/her <3)"

Steam32 ID

Your age

Current playtime on relevant server(s)
HLStatsX - Hehe Troll
18d 08:52:48h

Link to your Sourcebans record
Comm bans

(If relevant) Who gave you permission to apply?
n/a, the open admin apps.

Server you are applying for
Panda-community US | Jailbreak

General online times & time zone
Usually weekends from 14:00 (2PM) - 23:00 (11PM) CEST on saturdays, and around 8AM to 16:00 (4PM) on sundays.
I am going to be online more in upcoming holidays, so that'll be fun :D
Current timezone of application is the Central European Summer Time (CEST) timezone. (GMT+1)

Do you have a working microphone? (This is required for Jailbreak admins)
Yes. I do.

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator (Mostly in games, other experience is valid if sufficiently relevant)
I was a Discord moderator in a 100k+ member server, which ran pretty smoothly.
I believe I also helped moderate two Minecraft server before once, which was pretty popular. yet.. it died out like a few months later.. But.. I was pretty good at helping with running it, from what I heard from others.
In terms of TF2 servers I've never been an admin, but from watching other admins do their job on the server, I'm pretty confident I can be a good admin.
I've also been digging in how some commands work, and I'm somewhat experienced with used to the dev console.

Also, I know when someone is breaking the rules and I'd be more than happy to assist the current admin team in covering times that they aren't available.

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate? (Finally, please briefly explain how you would do your job, e.g. a general overview of your policies and punishments.)
Heyo. Jailbreak. Is my passion. It's the most fun gamemode I've played for a few months now. I know my sessions are not really devided evenly across the week, but that's because I have sort of busy private life in the weekdays. I intentionally play for a long time in the weekends because I want to take a small break from school there, and that is the best way to devide the week.
So the reason why I think I should be moderator is because I see a lot of freekillers, micspammers, kids who don't know the rules, etc. To be frank, I have had kind of enough of rulebreaking people. I have made many calls yet those don't do anything when you're on at the wrong times. If I'm on I would be very happy to know I'm not relied on someone else to fix the issue the entire server is dealing with.

I would really like to support the current admins in the moderation job, and I've been looking forward for a really long time to becoming an admin for I was told from feedback from the previous applications that my timezone was what the team needed at that time. I have worked my way up from being a complete stranger to becoming a well-known member in the community. (As you can see by my status on the forums :D)
Honestly, the real admin application is all the people I've met along the way. It's been such a fun ride from start to finish, and I'm not even at the finish line yet. I love every minute of it. even though there's only 10 for each round
I love every interaction with all the people I've met, from the micspammers to the mfkers, the admin abusers.. ahh the wonderful world of jailbreak!
But seriously, jailbreak is a very fun and

The punishment ladder that I will enforce will look something along the lines of this:
Punishment stacking:
1st infraction - 6 hours
2nd infraction - 12 hours
3rd infraction - 1 day
4th infraction - 3 days
5th infraction - 1 week
6th infraction - 1 month
7th infraction - permanent

1st infraction - 120 minutes
2nd infraction - 240 minutes
3rd infraction - 360 minutes
4th infraction - 480 minutes
5th infraction - permanent

I really hope I can help you guys soon on the moderation team! <3
Kind regards,
Hehe troll.
In my precious application (#4) I stated the following:
actually the main reason i wanna apply is because i can funny rtd command abuse
( Link to this quote )

Just to clarify: that was a joke and I do NOT wish to abuse the sm_forcertd command.

I understand that that may come off as jokingly, as unprofessional and like I'm not taking the role seriously. My sincere apologies if it did.
I am intending to take the role of a jailbreak admin seriously, I apologise if I don't come over that way.

Kind regards,
Hehe troll <3
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Hello. My sessions don't seem to align with yours, If I find anything to add from in-game ill add it. I see your sessions are very very concentrated, so that's good, Id like to see more long term consistency. so maybe around 14 days out of the month having sessions rather than 6 days. Just a heads up, I saw in your most recent session you requested warday with ff, if you forced warden to do that minigame, that is a banned minigame, if not, remember its banned for the future. I dont really have anything else. I will remain neutral, but I might go either way depending on any more information I get.
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I will piggyback off of Ian and say neutral as well as I have not seen much of you lately with my sessions.
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Hello Hehe,
even with my very recent promotion into trial. I would still like to provide you with my feedback.

Main feedback

  • I see less jokes in your application, and its organized properly
  • your motivation and punishment ladder are good
  • chat logs have improved, however sometimes you are pretty rude via voice if somebody is critical about you (as admin you need to learn to deal with that calmly, you are supposed to be a positive example to other players)
  • (most of the time) you are a positive addition to the sever
Neutral points
  • I don't see a lot of reports from you on the forums nor are you rule endorsing in game.
  • a flat/repeating application, doesn't feel very personal (30% of the application is basically a copy paste from #4)
  • You are still breaking rules every now and then. Referring to the spoiler below
  • did not mention anything about the criticism Racer and Semi gave you
  • rude/toxic(ish) behaviour against other players
The past months I have seen you give a lot of fake orders on red, but also on blue as a guard. I warned you at the time I will eventually report you (I wasn't an trial at this time). since then, I have 3 more clips of you giving false orders.

now, onto the other points​

I don't see you mention any improvement points about the criticism that was given to you before. Neither have I experienced it in game. I have noticed improvements after you have posted your application.
But for the 6th time you've applied, Improving such major things slowly right after posting your application is not enough for me.

I think you could make a decent trial in the future. but there are still too many issues you have not solved for now. I have recently noticed you're trying to improve every session, if you keep up this pace and fix the rough edges i'd be more then happy to give you a +1 in the future 🍀 .

for now, I have to leave it to a
keep taking good steps and you'll get there
We have quite a few members on the team, so I hope you can understand why the bar is higher than normal.
TLDR: I do not think you would be a good fit for the team.
Your sessions are just not good enough for an aspiring admin, I know you can only play on weekends but it's summer and weekday JB activity increases quite a bit.

Screenshot (1365).png

I also just dislike the way you play Jailbreak, it goes against our philosophy as a team, your uptightness and strictness have been recurring issues since January and it sucks. We dont want a trigger-happy admin. Being an admin is more than just black-and-white decisions, there are grey areas and it's a balancing act that I dont think you can handle.

The rule-breaking brought up by other admins also just leaves a sour taste.

Your passion for jailbreak is great, I can appreciate how much you care, even if this application felt a little too Reddity I dont doubt the sincerity of it one bit.
I just dont see you fitting into the team with all these issues.
Please act on the feedback given, it's going to be diverse and kind of harsh but it's important.

Banana's thoughts mirror my own. I value you as a regular and hope you continue to play on our servers but its clear you are not ready for the responsibility.

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Banana's thoughts also mirror my own as well.

-1, sorry.
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Hey hehe, I'm gonna have to go with Ian on this one. I have a pretty different timezone than you do, seemingly at least. So my playtime hasn't exactly aligned with yours enough to give a solid enough response. I am going to have to stay neutral on this, my apologies for not being able to give a solid + or -, but I wish you luck
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I'm in the same boat as many of my colleagues here, from the times I have played with you, you seem to embrace the "I'm the anti-fun guard" attitude which is not something I would like to see carried over to someone with admin powers. For that reason and everything else that banana and fairy gave my vote will have to be a -1.
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Hey all.
I understand the negative responses and I must admit that I haven't been the greatest person to be around.
Self reflection really is important for a human being and one cannot learn from past mistakes without it.
I am trying to be a more fun person to be around, but a little voice constantly whispers in my head, saying "But if you don't kill him, then that's breaking a rule."
Everytime I see someone rebel for a minor reason (i.e. a scout throwing a ball and hitting it successfully), I just can't help but kill him. Every. Single. Time.
I see and understand that this may not be fun for most people, but again I just can't help it.

Thank you all for the feedback and this time I will actually try to improve.

And yes calassic I can already predict your comment, I know it's "not that deep." But still.

Kind regards,
Hehe troll.
So looking at the feedback unfortunately I will have to decline your application. Please make sure to take any feedback on board before re-applying again and if you have any questions reach out to those admins who gave feedback or me.

You may reapply in one month's time, which is the 27th of July 2023.
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