Pending Admin Application (2 Viewers)


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2015
Username : _Black

Steam32 ID :

Your Age : 22

Your Playtime :
76d 20:34:26h

Bans/Comms : Bans

Server you are applying for : US Jailbreak

Timezone / Online Times : GMT+1 5pm - 10 pm on Weekdays.
Mostly full availability on Sundays.

Do you have a working Microphone : Yes, I do.

Previous experience as Admin or Moderator : None

What would you say makes you a suitable candidate?
I have been enjoying Panda Community since 2015 when i was playing majority of DR.
Later came into the Jailbreak server and enjoyed it ever since with this community, made alot of friends and shared
memorable moments together.
As of now 2024, there has been alot of good and bad times but it never gets boring.

The reason I have decided to apply again, is because I know im ready to handle the responsibility that
comes with being admin and to make people aware of the rules or to punish people that break them, to make
the gamemode as enjoyable as possible for everyone on the server.

I have had a recent break of Jailbreak during April, mostly playing Helldivers 2. Started playing again last week,
i know this may be a concern to some people that I might be more focused on other games, however my interest and enjoyment
for Jailbreak still exists.

I have improved alot in my behaviour, and my communication, chatlogs may not be 10/10 but I think its a solid 8/10.
Forum activity has also picked up recently making steady reports of rulebreakers, and trying
to get the playerbase a bit more together by sharing funny moments on the Jailbreak threats.

I´ve also worked on my strictness and dont report every minescule rulebreak, however, I do make them aware of it.
I want to help the current staff by adding additional coverage in Timezones and with steady activity.
I have a good understanding of the rules, and if I am unsure of something I always ask an admin for clarification.

Punishments :
1st - 180 minutes
2nd - 720 minutes
3rd - 1440 minutes
4th - 10080 minutes
5th - 43200 minutes
6th - Permanent
Cheating - Permanent (With demo/recording)

Sprays : 1st - Warning
2nd - Kick
3rd - Sprayban
1st - 120 minutes
2nd - 240 minutes
3rd - 360 minutes
4th - 480 minutes
5th - Permanent

Accidental MFK : 1st - 360 minutes
2nd - Permanent

Intentional MFK : Permanent + 1 Week server ban

@Nergal Nergalton

Much love. - _Black
Im happy to answer any questions the community/staff has.
Hey Black, I get to be the first to respond.
Only issue I see with stacking is that we actually skip directly to the 720 minute (6 hour) punishment for all comms/bans as the first offense. That's not a huge deal. You learn the stacking as you go.
In terms of me seeing you in game I see you a lot since our timezones overlap a lot. Mostly your sessions are good, your reports are good. That's to be expected from you though.
I do have a couple nitpicks though. You have been caught abusing warden vote and an admin had to ask you to stop. But I do think that's only going to be a one time thing but it is worth pointing out since it was recent. Additionally. About a week ago I witnessed you mass freehitting reds while I was under the alias "MFK_Lover2024" you saw I was under that alias and proceeded to take the alias "xXMassfreekillerzXx" you ended up getting too caught up in the gimmick of said alias and almost mfked by setting multiple reds on fire with your flamethrower, even if it was by mistake.
Because of this, I'll stick
Neutral for now. I will keep an eye on you for the coming weeks and my verdict may change.
Hey Black, I get to be the first to respond.
Only issue I see with stacking is that we actually skip directly to the 720 minute (6 hour) punishment for all comms/bans as the first offense. That's not a huge deal. You learn the stacking as you go.
In terms of me seeing you in game I see you a lot since our timezones overlap a lot. Mostly your sessions are good, your reports are good. That's to be expected from you though.
I do have a couple nitpicks though. You have been caught abusing warden vote and an admin had to ask you to stop. But I do think that's only going to be a one time thing but it is worth pointing out since it was recent. Additionally. About a week ago I witnessed you mass freehitting reds while I was under the alias "MFK_Lover2024" you saw I was under that alias and proceeded to take the alias "xXMassfreekillerzXx" you ended up getting too caught up in the gimmick of said alias and almost mfked by setting multiple reds on fire with your flamethrower, even if it was by mistake.
Because of this, I'll stick
Neutral for now. I will keep an eye on you for the coming weeks and my verdict may change.
I would be more lenient with the mutes because 720 minutes (12* hours) seems kinda drastic to me, its about sending a message and not knock em out for the day imo. Which would probably seem excessive to newer players.

The warden vote is kinda non fundamental, as I was trying to figure out the warden votes and how to do custom things, the warning was after I asked ONCE via vote if "player" was a chad.

The MFK one is fair tho, I just got too caught up in the act and didnt think the cells would open that quickly.

I just want yall to know that nothing of this was made with ill intend. If this has bothered anyone, Im sorry.
Hey There _Black,

for most of my response i would like to refer to my response on your previous application:
I honestly dont have much to mention, i have heard some things that you acted very differently in the past. But since I cannot recall anything about this personally there is not much i can add, i will just focus on what kind of player you are right now.

In my eyes you bring a good vibe to the server and i dont really see any issues surrounding your personality, however i cant ignore what the other admins had to mention, whiles its true you are very active in reporting, you are also very strict and i think thats the major thing you need to improve on. As Admin, instantly giving somebody a punishment for the smallest things is not the way to go
Link to Previous application

My final opinion has shifted a tad bit, you have shown to be a competent person who can improve,
all of my recent jb session with you have been good, and i rarely see you handle "too strict"

as i have seen you report people actively and properly handle rule breakers ingame i think you are ready to be a trial with some guidance from a mentor, you'll get there
+1 from me, Good Luck!
Hi, I appreciate the application. I'd like to get more familiar with how you'd handle certain situations. I'll link a few videos below, let me know how you'd handle each one assuming you had admin buttons. Presume nobody involved has any prior history.

Clip 1

clip 2

clip 3:
Clip 1 : I would write an Admin message to tell him to not use this spot as it is considered a map exploit, and tell them to get more proactive with chasing the reds. (This however is now less a matter due to the New plugin)
(I was just so excited about this spot and kept rolling with it sorry to all involved in that round.)

- Warning
- Slay (if continued)

Clip 2 : This is a obvious MFK, I would follow up with a permanent Guardban followed with a week Serverban, and maybe take a Look at with my mentor if this is an alt account or not.

There is more to it tho, I most likely would restart the round, however another blu illegaly rewardened after the warden got killed by a red.
This isnt as big of a deal, I would tell them in which circumstances they can/cant rewarden, and only give him a warning.
Round would still be restarted.

-Perm GB + 1 Week ban
-Round restart

Clip 3 : I would tell all Partys involved to change topic and keep anything religious/politic etc stuff out of the Chat.

-Warning via Admin Chat
Hello, _Black.

I am satisfied with your responses to Cowboy's quiz and you have been a well-known regular on this server for a long time. Although you have gotten criticisms in the past for being too nitpicky with rules I believe you have laxed out enough that I think I can give you a +1.
As a player I always found _Black to be a good gaurd, never minded when he was strict tbh cause do think alot of blues are sometimes a bit too relaxed, would definetly say _Black is a lot more lenant as blue every time I've been on the server and played with him as of recent.

Think an EU timezone admin would be a nice addition as it would mean theres an admin avaliable in different timezone, I understand its a US based server but theres still a decent amount of people that play it in "EU hours".
Hey _Black, I've warmed up to the thought of you being an admin and I am honestly interested in seeing how you'd do. I really like your responses to Cowboy, and before then I was already leaning yes. +1 from me, good luck!
we may have had our fights, but every time I've played with you recently I have seen a change in you're rule enforcing and minimizing your previously questioned strict behavior, personally I respect that.
As happy i am with the community giving support towards _Black i'd prefer if you guys just send us a message privately rather than posting it on his application as it can make the whole thread messy.

_Black, You've been in this community for a ungodly amount of time and i'm impressed with your growth, especially from last year to now. I've gotten reports from individuals that you arent strict as you used to be and i pay attention to the fact that you are consistently warning in your reports and staying away from reporting anything in game that could be a in game warning.

Some of the stuff that Krook mentioned has me a little concerned but from what i can see is that both infractions were one time occurences so it'd be extremely unfair for me to just discard your potential on a few mess ups.

If you are going to be a staff member here, you're gonna really need to tighten the reigns on your own behavior and stay out of trouble. You are absolutely on the right track just don't let me hear of another incident with the mass freehit/Warden vote abuse or any trust we have in you is going to dissolve quickly.

I'm gonna go ahead and give you a tentative +1. but if i hear any repeats of what krook mentioned i'll be shifting my vote to Neutral or -1. Keep your head up and continue the good work.
As happy i am with the community giving support towards _Black i'd prefer if you guys just send us a message privately rather than posting it on his application as it can make the whole thread messy.

_Black, You've been in this community for a ungodly amount of time and i'm impressed with your growth, especially from last year to now. I've gotten reports from individuals that you arent strict as you used to be and i pay attention to the fact that you are consistently warning in your reports and staying away from reporting anything in game that could be a in game warning.

Some of the stuff that Krook mentioned has me a little concerned but from what i can see is that both infractions were one time occurences so it'd be extremely unfair for me to just discard your potential on a few mess ups.

If you are going to be a staff member here, you're gonna really need to tighten the reigns on your own behavior and stay out of trouble. You are absolutely on the right track just don't let me hear of another incident with the mass freehit/Warden vote abuse or any trust we have in you is going to dissolve quickly.

I'm gonna go ahead and give you a tentative +1. but if i hear any repeats of what krook mentioned i'll be shifting my vote to Neutral or -1. Keep your head up and continue the good work.
Hey Cowboy, thank you for your response and beliving in me.
The vote abuse and the mass freehit wont happen again.

Alot has changed for me personally with my new job and all, and im generally in a way better mood than I was before last month.

I hope my past doesnt shine too much of a bad spotlight on me.
Hi _Black!

Your answers to the videos are great and you have shown lots of improvement on your behavior.

I'm very sure you're capable of being an admin. +1
Howdy _Black

I've had a good experience playing with you on JB, and have always noticed your adherence to the rules. I think you would make a fine admin.

4 years in the making will the admin who isnt an admin finally get his role, maybe this is the one
I dont feel your change has been as dramatic as other people are saying, rather I feel like its become a lot more malleable, it feels like theres something to work with in the trial stages.
Obviously that warden vote thing is just dumb, but I hope its one error we can easily discard.

I know you can do it, you know you can do it, dont let yourself down and keep up the good work.

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